My name is AG, a tech-savvy IT professional who has a deep interest in smart technologies and smart city living.

Author of SmartCityStyle

I was a teenager when innovations in technology started to rise. Luckily, I was young enough to quickly adapt to the changes smart devices brought into our lives (I still remember when I got my first smartphone!) but on the other side, I was old enough to understand that this innovation brings many benefits but challenges as well. Due to my technological interest and studies, I was able to see behind the things, do my own research on how things works and ask questions from industry experts.

Today, with over 15 years of experience in information technology, I’ve gained a deep understanding of how computer systems, innovative devices, IoT, artificial intelligence and data can transform our lives, primarily the way we exist in a city environment but ultimately the entire world as digital era takes connectivity to a new level.

Through this website, I aim to share my knowledge, insights and city captions. I hope you will find my content informative and engaging. If you have any questions or just want to share your thoughts, feel free to reach out and connect with me.

Fun fact about me: when I want to disconnect, I travel to the world’s most beautiful tropical places where there is barely any technology and discover the underwater world while freediving.

If you have questions or want to work with me just send a message: ag (at)